Friday, November 21, 2008

A quick update...

As of today, I have agreed to attend the University of New Orleans low-residency program (my first choice). Because it is low-residency, I do all the work online and then spend a month in Mexico this summer. Should be a two-year program, and maybe next year I will spend a month in Italy. Yeah, I think I can hack this. And yeah, I think I'm getting excited.


mandy said...

Wow, Heather, that is so great! Congratulations. Where will your main living location be? Indy?

Deb said...

Congratulations, Heather. I'm glad you explained what "low-residency" means. :O ) It translates as, "you don't actually have to be there too much", right? Sounds very nice...and where will your "high residency" location be while you're doing this program? I'm glad you're getting excited about it.