I have started writing this post a couple of times now. I think I will overly censor myself: I do not flatter myself that anyone reads this except my closest friends and family, but you never know. This is the WWW, and you never know who may read something.
I choose to play on the subtle side.
Adam and Luke, my dear cousins, are here, and I am so grateful for them. I love them dearly and miss the times we spent together as children. Now, we are adults in our own ways, and Adam and Luke are fathers. Odd. We play the peanut gallery, keeping each other smiling and laughing, trying also to keep Aunt Barb and Mom de-stressified in the meantime. I am so lucky to have such great family.
Tonight and last night, we have ducked out a little early to spend some time together--Adam and Luke, Grandma Sue, Mom and Dad, cousin Leah, and Aunt Barb and Marv (of course, I am truncating this version, omitting the part about Dad and Grandma flying to Florida to attend another cousin's wedding, leaving out the parts about the stress and anxiety the family has felt in the last few days, deleting the part about me standing in as a bartender and Dad standing in as an usher, but then again, I am supposed to be censoring myself). I'm feeling a bit selfish: I will be leaving the country sometime next week (yes, plans are still a bit uncertain at this time), and I want to spend as much time as possible with the people I will miss the most: Mom and Dad.
Ariel and Zack are a beautiful, lovely couple. I am so grateful, like I know everyone else here is, to celebrate their wedding. They are so comfortable, relaxed, and happy. They did not care that the wedding started fifteen minutes late and the rehearsal was forty-five minutes late. They seem oblivious to the stresses and anxieties in the family around them. Ariel and Zack planned this wedding from overseas where they are stationed as Marines, and the wedding was very last minute with some minor details left to the last minute or possibly not addressed at all.
None of this bothered the happy couple.
Oh, to find such peace and joy in the midst of two chaotic families.
And now, I will take my shark for a drive down to the gulf. (Those of you who do not recogize my dry sense of humor, this is a picture Grandma Sue sent me of a bull shark killed in the gulf. This is neither my shark, nor did I harm any animals in the blogging of this site.)
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