Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pictures, finally

Mom and Dad sent me a camera. Yippee. Well, there was actually a barage of presents from Dad, Mom, Meg, and Grandma Weezie. This is very good since I believe Dad's visit is making everything seem very far away. Toys are a great distraction (OK, toys for me are books and cameras at this point). Long story short, this is going to be a blog of photos. This is a bit of an experiment, so I will post more later--definitely some of the inside of my apartment.

This first picture is the road that passes the cluster of houses and apartments where I live. The driveway is actually just down to the left just past the yellow sign with red lettering. Let me and Dad walk you down that way.

So this is Dad walking down the drive towards my building. I actually need to walk around this building, off to the left.

Now, we're following Dad along this green fence. It is a sort of garden that grows all sorts of vegetables. Very interesting.

This path is not much of a drive, but it is very interesting. Head to the right at the turn in the path.

Head up the stairs here. Through the gate. The vines you see here are a mix of roses and grape vines. Rather pretty when not housing trash or cockroaches.

This is my front door. Strange, this picture makes my place look pretty scenic. The stairs to the right go to my landlords' and bosses' house upstairs.

This is another picture of my front door and front window. The other door on the left is another teacher's apartment--used to be Ryan's now is Deslie's. What appears to be a washing machine outside my window, well, it is.

This is a picture of my school. This is the side of the school that is the kindergarten. This is where I spend my mornings.

This is the C. side of the building where I spend my afternoons with older students.

OK. It's a little late, and I am starting a new schedule which means longer hours. I am a bit tired, but I'm working with some older students, getting to do some grammar and more challenging work. V. exciting. But this is all for now.
Good night.
Mom, Dad, love the camera.

1 comment:

Meg Schroeder said...

Yeah!!! Love to see where you are, though your words are so often so good, I could almost picture these places before. Missing you lots right now, don't know why, just am. Holidays are going to be tough without you, might be starting to look at post-December trip to you, what do you think? Love you tons!! Post some pics of you please!!