Friday, July 6, 2007

Pitures from Belize

I'm exprimenting: this is some pictures from Belize. Here is a picture of lovely Marilyn braiding Joel's hair....
This was really funny, but I don't think any great 'does came of it.

This is a picture of the bridge that Gordie and Vince built.
That may be the title of my next book: The bridge that Gordie and Vince built.
Oh, and Gauyna (I can never remember how to spell her name) is swaying her hips, and Pastor Cecil Camal is there in the foreground. Very cool.

One more fun picture although this does not do this guy justice. I tell you, this fellow was flipped on his back when I came down for coffee two mornings in a row. He was wagging his legs in the air, like he was fighting death or just too top heavy. I flipped him over, like some sort of odd turtle--and I think he weighed about as much. And I tell you, He was as big as my big toe.

1 comment:

Mom said...

This is a test. I am setting up Mom's comment line. Let's see if this works.
This is a test.
This is only a test.
If this were a real emergency, call your mom.
Hey, call your mom anyway.