Sunday, July 8, 2007

What a month...

Have to say, the last month has been a rollar coaster. I've been working at Indiana Life Sciences, Inc. (ILSI, to the laymen), helping start up the writing center at Martin University where I teach during the school year, trying to work things out for the Korean teaching job and all that that implies (doctor's appointments, work visa, transcripts, application essays, applications, interviews, and all), and thinking about applying to graduate school when I return (and with this comes the inevitable GRE, entrance essays, more transcripts, more applications, and all).
This blog is turning into a blessing: I am trying to keep in touch with my family and my friends, but I have been going full steam for weeks now--including the trip to Belize--with not much time for anything else. I hope everybody sort of understands.
Well, for now, pray for me, and call me. Posting on the blog is good, too.
I miss you all so much already.
I don't have any family photos since my computer was stollen, so I've stollen a bunch from everybody's websites and stuff.

This cool guy is my nephew. He has grown so much in the past year... I wonder what he will be like next year.
He is so much fun, so lively and interactive, he almost makes me want to have a kid of my own. Wait a minute, what the heck am I talking about. He's got anough cute to go around.

This is an older picture of mom, dad, sis mandy, and bro-in-law scott. That was a great day. I'm so proud of them.

This is Mand and Scott again. I think this is at their old condo in Kaneohe. Cool place. Their new place is cooler.

This is Moogs and Mike. I love you guys. Mike, you need to send me some of your new batch of beer.

This is Kate and James--pre-Finn. What a great picture this is.
NOT THAT YOU CAN TELL HERE---ARGH! I'm tired of messing with these pictures. Bear with the inexperienced blogger. Will get better with the postings in the future.
And be sure, the size of the pictures is not a reflection of the size of my love.


Meg Schroeder said...

This blog is going to be great for keeping up with you around the world! And now you're hooked to ours too!

Love ya, see you in a couple of weeks,

Portland Dad said...

Man I got jipped with the tiny picture! How are people gonna see just how good looking I am with that little thing? You are trying to hide me aren't you Heather? I will make you pay for your insolence McGrail!