Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A little lonely already...

Nothing really to tell tonight: the same old lists are testing my productivity levels. I stopped into the doctor for more blood tests, stopped in to give notice at my apartment, wrote my resignations for Martin University, wrote a half a dozen emails, met mom for dinner, and tried to pull my address book into order. The more I scratch off my lists, the more I add to my lists.
Sitting for dinner with Mom, I'm beginning to feel the pangs of homesickness. I've had some strange dreams: things like something happens to Mom or Dad. I know I'm overreacting, trying to get used to the idea that I'm going away from the people I love the most. It's only a year, I keep telling myself.
But what if something happens.
I know everything is in God's hands. And I know the time will go quickly once I get there, but I have moments when I wish Mom will come to take me to dinner on Tuesday night or Dad will stop in to take me out for sushi even though he doesn't really like it or I can take my cat with me or something.
Seeing Meg and Mike this weekend and the Furlers the weekend before makes me feel so good. But I want to pack them all up and bring them with me.

For now, here's a random picture of Gracie.

1 comment:

Mikey said...

You can definately pack me up, and bring me along! Mmmm...Korean sticky ribs.